Konzepte gegen Klima-Ungerechtigkeit in Wissenschaft, Dokumentarfilm und Philosophie – Forum & Filmscreening
Concepts against Climate Injustice in Science, Documentary Film and Philosophy - Forum & Film Screening
mit Ali Nobil Ahmad, Halil Can, Moderation: Therese Mager
Bei diesem Forum geht es um Macht, Hierarchien und Möglichkeiten in der Klimakommunikation und der medialen Berichterstattung über die Klimakrise. Wir sprechen mit dem Regisseur und Kurator des "anthropoSCENE"-Filmfestivals Ali Nobil Ahmad und den Forschenden Ayesha Siddiqi und Halil Can. Es moderiert Therese Mager.
This forum is about power, hierarchies and spaces for change in climate communication and media coverage of the climate crisis. We talk to the director and curator of the "anthropoSCENE" film festival Ali Nobil Ahmad and the researchers Ayesha Siddiqi and Halil Can. Therese Mager moderates.
Ali Nobil Ahmad
Ali Nobil Ahmad is an independent researcher and journalist with scholarly expertise in migration, political ecology, and media studies. In each of these fields, he has taught at leading universities, and authored articles and chapters in peer reviewed academic journals and books. He has a PhD in History from the European University institute in Florence and is a former recipient of The Guardian’s Scott Trust bursary for journalists. His essays, reportage and reviews have appeared in newspapers, literary and cultural publications such as The Guardian, The Caravan, The National, Third Text, Wasafiri and Metamute. His monograph on human smuggling from Pakistan to Europe, Masculinity, Sexuality and Illegal Migration, is published in paper back by Routledge and Oxford University Press.
Halil Can
studied political science at the FU-Berlin and did his doctorate at the Institute for European Ethnology at the HU-Berlin on identity processes, experiences of othering and empowerment practices among multi-generational families in the context of transnational migration. Since August 2022, he has been working as a research assistant in the research project (B08) on police control practices at the FGZ location in Berlin as part of the InRa study at the Centre for Research on Anti-Semitism. Previously, he worked as a research assistant at the Research Centre Technology and Society at the TU-Berlin in the Berlin Police Study and as a lecturer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin. He works, researches and publishes on the main topics of migration, diversity, intersectional discrimination/racism, empowerment/powersharing and participation/inclusion in transnational/cultural contexts and perspectives.